Sunday, June 30, 2013

Morning Memo: Sunday, June 30, 2013...Editorial changes based on "Bloggee" feedback

"Bloggee" feedback makes a difference!   

Several bloggees have noted that the Morning Memo is very helpful and the 'color coding' makes summary assessments quite efficient.  Apparently, however, on certain computers, the red highlight makes reading the copy difficult.  So we will change to a lighter shade of red.  If anyone is still having problems with legibility, please let us know.  (fyi...we tried various font colors instead of highlighting, but the 'blogger' software options are limited and highlighting appears to be more striking).

Also, where possible, we will add links to articles related to some of the highlights.  Often the cryptic memo points come from subscription research services, so links may only provide 'teaser summaries'....but where articles are readily available, we will try to provide links for more detail.

Please keep the feedback coming in!  We appreciate it!!

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